Welcome to the resource site for the Membership Committee of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Indiana.
The goal for this site is to:
- Provide information on Royal Arch Masonry to Master Masons who may be looking at the York Rite as the next step in their Masonic Journey.
- Provide an opportunity for potential new members to reach out to us for more information on joining the York Rite.
- Help both Membership Prospects and current Royal Arch Masons find where Chapters are near them.
- Provide information on Upcoming Degree Work so prospective Members know when and where they can join, so current Members can find Chapters and Degree Work to visit, and help Chapter Leadership find Degree Work to take their Candidates to if needed.
- Compile membership and marketing resources so they are available for Chapters to use and to help Chapters better promote Royal Arch Masonry.